It is now easier than ever to renew your Appreciation Club membership using your credit card. Simply complete the form below and choose your membership level.
The Chipola Appreciation Club is:
- A tax-deductible business organization governed by local Chipola Athletics’ supporters.
- An organization which benefits Chipola College and its students by promoting athletics and underwriting certain scholarships and functions that have no support from public funds.
- The only organization devoted entirely to the support of organized athletics at Chipola College. Your membership will help us strongly support these activities.
In appreciation for your continuing support, each
$250 membership will earn the following:
- Access to Chipola Appreciation Club general seating for you and three of your guests. Appreciation Club general seating is available on game nights in the Milton H. Johnson Health Center on a first come, first serve basis.
- Four Membership tickets for admittance to all Chipola home athletic events (men's & women's basketball, baseball, & softball)
- Membership tickets may also be used for admittance for four to the Chipola Appreciation Club Hospitality Room for refreshments between the women’s and men’s basketball games during the Panhandle Conference Season.
- Regular emails about Chipola Athletics
- Chipola Athletics short-sleeve t-shirt
Gold Membership
The Chipola Appreciation Club's Gold
$1,000 membership earns the following:
- Reserved seating for you and three of your guests located at your request anywhere in the Milton H. Johnson Health Center. No more than two seats may be located on a front row. Seating will be assigned in the order it is requested.
- Access to Chipola Appreciation Club general seating for two additional guests. Appreciation Club general seating is available on game nights on a first come, first serve basis.
- Six Membership tickets (total) for admittance to all Chipola home athletic events.
- Membership tickets may also be used for admittance for six to the Chipola Appreciation Club Hospitality Room for refreshments between the women’s and men’s basketball games during the Panhandle Conference Season.
- Chipola Athletics long-sleeve t-shirt
- Preferred Parking to the Appreciation Club entrance.
Gold Legacy Membership
The Chipola Appreciation Club's Gold Legacy
$1,250 membership earns the following:
- Reserved seating for you and three of your guests located at your request anywhere in the Milton H. Johnson Health Center. No more than two seats may be located on a front row. Seating will be assigned in the order it is requested.
- Access to Chipola Appreciation Club general seating for two additional guests. Appreciation Club general seating is available on game nights on a first come, first serve basis.
- Six Membership tickets (total) for admittance to all Chipola home athletic events.
- Membership tickets may also be used for admittance for six individuals to the Chipola Appreciation Club Hospitality Room for refreshments between the women’s and men’s basketball games during the Panhandle Conference Season.
- Chipola Athletics polo
- Preferred Parking to the Appreciation Club entrance.
- Rotating big screen ad at home basketball games.
- Recognition on social media graphics
- Listing on a corporate sign at baseball/softball field entrances.
Platinum Legacy Membership
The Chipola Appreciation Club's Platinum Legacy
$2,500 membership earns the following:
- Reserved seating for you and three of your guests located at your request anywhere in the Milton H. Johnson Health Center. No more than two seats may be located on a front row. Seating will be assigned in the order it is requested.
- Access to Chipola Appreciation Club general seating for two additional guests. Appreciation Club general seating is available on game nights on a first come, first serve basis.
- Six Membership tickets for admittance to all Chipola home athletic events.
- Membership tickets may also be used for admittance for six individuals to the Chipola Appreciation Club Hospitality Room for refreshments between the women’s and men’s basketball games during the Panhandle Conference Season.
- Chipola Athletics 1/4 Zip pullover
- Reserved Parking (front row) to the Appreciation Club entrance.
- Rotating big screen ad at home Panhandle Conference basketball games.
- Recognition on social media graphics
- Listing on a coprorate sign at baseball/softball field entrance.
- Digital Billboard Exposure
- Webcast advertising during Panhandle Conference basketball games.
- President's Box invitation for one Panhandle Conference basketball game.
- 2 Baseball Alumni Dinner tickets.
- Company recognition games